Ever found yourself sitting at peace, thinking about the
daily happenings in your life? I just had that moment myself, better known as “self-reflection”.
It is a great practice to have if it
comes to you instinctively at some point during the day, but for others who miss breakfasts or hit the road straight from your bed everyday…you need to reorganize to make time for it.
Self-reflection is exactly as you read it; it is a
reflection of yourself, where you stand in life, your intuitions, ambitions, short/long-term goals,
ongoing activities, etc. This is a perfectly healthy practice to analyze your system
by examining your life from a bystander’s perspective and recalculate your
steps accordingly. Take out 15-20mins from your daily regime everyday for
self-reflection, making sure that you can be at a quiet place by yourself.
For me, the best time for this is just before bedtime (as
long as you don’t fall asleep during this, you should be fine!) You don’t want
to be tired and ready to crash as it requires focus. I like to think about my
day from the morning, recapping what I did during the day, where I went, and the
people I interacted with, thinking of ways I could've made better connections
with them. If I have work then I think about the tasks I carried out, ways that
I could improve certain actions for next time, and following onto the things I
plan to do the next day. If you have children, or significant others, you could
be organizing ideas for them during this time. Life has its ups and downs and there may be times when you feel dismayed by some of your experiences, perhaps there are some that you would rather not think of; I recommend going through those situations during the self-reflection. You don't have to think from the first person's perspective and create an unnecessary debate in your head, but think about them, and the possibilities to fit the puzzle.
You should end with a positive note, such as steps for improvement that you can take, or even by reflecting on your achievements of the day. Trust me, when you get back to
your activities, you will feel relaxed and much more in control of your life.
It’s these small moments that have the potential to make you efficient by making
the right moves.
Now it’s your turn, did you take some time out for
self-reflection? How was it? :)
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